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I spent the first twelve years of my life in the comfort of my parents’ home north of Quebec City, 在哪里, 我必须承认, 我需要的一切都在“银盘子”里." 我的生活很轻松! 来ManBet手机客户端读七年级是我的决定, 我的父母完全支持我的选择.
于是我来到这里, in 2019, 12岁时, 在一间四人的房间里到达了巴格比屋, 我的三个室友来自墨西哥, 日本和中国. A big change in my way of life: never alone in my room, strict schedule and rules, and “HOURS”!
我很难适应这种新生活, 因为我在遵守校规方面有很多困难. I am convinced that I represented a significant percentage of the total number of “hours” given to students during the first months! 当时我甚至和我的导师也有矛盾, as it seems I was in opposition with almost everything that was expected from me.
尽管前几个月很艰难, 我坚持自己的决定,圣诞假期后回来了. Things started to improve during the second half of the year but were still pretty difficult.
Then came the time to let the school know whether I was coming back for Grade 8. 再一次。, 在父母和学校工作人员的支持下, 我选择回来是因为, 在我的脑海深处, 我知道这是我最好的选择.
From there, I realized that lots of my “problems” originated from my stubborn opposition mindset. I prescribed myself a few introspection sessions with my younger self, and this led me to initiate a slow but steady turnaround in my way of seeing things and in my way of living the life of a boarding student.
我抓住每一个机会来增强我的社交生活, ManBet手机客户端逐渐成为我的“家外之家”.” I was always happy to go back to my parents’ place for long weekends and holidays but also always happy to be back here. With time, 边境上大学’s life became “my life,” and to this day I am enjoying it very much.
With so many nationalities here at the College and with the special character of this small school, I also discovered the importance of never underestimating the force of friendship to ease navigating in this microcosm. Your schoolmates may have had a similar problem and can be of great help and support in solving it. And the reverse is also true when the situation makes you in the position of the helper.
If you go through difficult times, be it because of school or for any other reason, do not let go. 每天早上整理床铺, challenge yourself to find at least one pleasant thing before you climb back into it in the evening.
Keep focused on the positive points and gradually you will experience two, 三个, 四个, 然后在你的每一天都有许多愉快的事情. This will teach you that the sun always shines some在哪里; you just have to discover how to find these places.